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Press release 25 February 2017

The commemoration event of the Khojaly Genocide was organized by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary

The commemoration event was organized by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hungary on February 24, 2017 and aimed to bring together the Azerbaijani Community of Hungary to remember the Khojaly Genocide which happened exactly 25 years ago. The members of the Azerbaijani-Hungarian Youth Union, representatives of diplomatic corps, Diaspora, entrepreneurs, journalists and other guests attended this event.

During the organized event it was noted by counselor Qalib Hasanov that the Khojaly massacre was an integral part of the Armenian aggressive and genocide policy against Azerbaijan which resulted in severe and gross violation of international legal norms and principles, as well as of human rights and freedoms that entered in the world history as a bloody tragedy. At the night from 25th to 26th February of 1992, the crime committed in Khojaly city by Armenian armed forces must be recognized as genocide from the international law perspectives.

The Azerbaijani magistrate of Budapest Business School Emil Novruzov demonstrated the slide show about Khojaly Genocide in English language.

One of the members of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Hungary, the chairwoman of the Hungary-Azerbaijan Friendship society Svetlana Abdullayeva told to the audience about the works which has done and must be done by compatriots to deliver information about massacre to Hungary and other European countries.

The first counselor of the Embassy of Turkey in Hungary Aladdin Charik noted that Turkey supported Azerbaijan since the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh had started. He also informed the audience that the special statement regarding 25th anniversary of the Khojaly massacre was made by the Parliament of the Turkey.

Later on, there was presented the documentary film “Agdam. 5 fragments” directed by Belgian producer Michel Ivor.

At the end of the event the Ambassador Vilayat Guliyev expressed his gratitude to the event participants and mentioned that Gyöngyös and Tiszavasvári, cities of Hungary are twin-cities with Shusha and Agdam, the cities of Azerbaijan which are under occupation. Ambassador stated that this is an expression of Hungarian people and Hungarian government to the Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Ambassador reminded that the Khojaly Genocide was prepared and implemented with a special cruelty and ruthlessness by people who represent the leadership of Armenia at the moment and they wanted to break the morale and fighting qualities of the people of Azerbaijan by this way. But insidiousness of the enemy failed, the Khojaly genocide burns in the heart of every Azerbaijani people and is the belief for undoubted liberation of all occupied territories of the motherland.

During the event the translated to Hungarian language the book “Khojaly Genocide” of the Doctor of historical sciences, the former member of the Parliament Havva Mammadova was presented to participants.


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