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Mətbuat şərhi 31 iyul 2015

6-cı "GUAM-Yaponiya" iclasının mətbuat üçün birgə bəyanatı



Tokyo, 16 July, 2015

  1. On 16 July, 2015 the sixth meeting between Japan and the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM) was held in Tokyo, Japan. GUAM was represented by Mr. David Jalagania, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Mrs. Nataliia Galibarenko, First Depity Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr. Gaya Mammadov, Head of the Department of International Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Mr. Andrei Galbur, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, and Mr. Valeri Chechelashvili, Secretary General of GUAM. Japan was represented by Mr. Akira Muto, Special Representative for GUAM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
  2. During their stay in Tokyo, the GUAM delegation was received by Mr. Kentaro Sonoura, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan on 16th.
  3. Within the framework of the 6th "GUAM-Japan" meeting, both sides exchanged views on various issues of mutual interest, including water management, energy security and tourism as well as on cooperation in the international sphere.
  4. Both sides emphasized added value of enhanced GUAM-Japan interaction, aimed at enhancing peace, stability and prosperity in the world.
  5. Both sides finalized the preparatory works for the "GUAM-Japan" cooperation program which, at "GUAM-Japan" ministerial meeting on 7 December, 2011 in Vilnius on the occasion of the OSCE ministerial council, both sides had agreed to adopt at the ministerial level.
  6. The GUAM side appreciated Japan's initiative in organizing the "GUAM-Japan" workshop for water management, which was held on 23 March, 2015 in Japan. Both sides highly valued successful results of the workshop. The GUAM side expressed its intention to make continued efforts to expand practical cooperation with Japan which aims at sustainable self-reliant development of GUAM member countries taking advantage of Japan’s expertise.
  7. The GUAM side expressed their deep gratitude to the Japanese side for excellent organization of the 6th "GUAM-Japan" meeting in Tokyo and hospitality extended to the GUAM delegations.
  8. Both sides reaffirmed their strong intention to continue and strengthen "GUAM-Japan" dialogue and cooperation. In this regard, the date and venue of the next "GUAM-Japan" meeting will be coordinated through the diplomatic channels.

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